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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. this committee will mark up the Strategic Competition Act This legislation introduced by Senator Menendez and myself Counters CCP malign influence globally including by expanding the scope of the Committee...Europe Russia remains a pressing concern Although Russia is amassing tens of thousands of troops on Ukraine s border as we speak they have...
  2. WASHINGTON U S Senators Jim Risch R Idaho and Bob Menendez D N J chairman and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee along with Senators Chris Murphy D Conn Marco Rubio R Fla Dick community to stand in full support of their aspirations for a free and democratic future said Menendez Mr Lukashenka does not...
  3. WASHINGTON U S Senators Jim Risch R Idaho and Bob Menendez D N J chairman and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Rob Portman R Ohio Chris Murphy D Conn John Barrasso R Wyo and Jeanne...Jeanne Shaheen D N H today introduced the Ukraine Security Partnership Act to provide security assistance and strategic support to Ukraine The...
  4. thanks in large part to Russian assistance Of course we all know about the invasions of Georgia and Ukraine over the years and about the poisoning of Russian people on other sovereign soil The world today...and companies that have been involved in the illegal annexation of Crimea the war in the east of Ukraine the downing of Flight MH17 as well as...
  5. agreements like the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty and seized sovereign territory from Georgia and Ukraine It has poisoned its enemies with chemical weapons on foreign soil and violated the INF treaty so...Russia s Thank you for being here today Mr Deputy Secretary I ll turn it over to Ranking Member Menendez for any opening comments he...
  6. foster U S trade with our fellow NATO members remains key to our economy Last week Ranking Member Menendez and I along with several of our colleagues introduced a resolution expressing our strong support...there is any doubt in your mind about that anyone can spend time with the governments of Georgia and Ukraine to convince us how dangerous Russia...
  7. WASHINGTON U S Sens Jim Risch R Idaho Ron Johnson R Wis Bob Menendez D N J Jeanne Shaheen D N H and Richard Durbin D Ill issued the following statement announcing that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee...for the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and in response to Russia s aggression against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait supporting a...
  8. Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Jeanne Shaheen pre siding Present Senators Shaheen presiding Menendez Murphy Kaine Markey Van Hollen Portman Young Barrasso Cruz and Hagerty OPENING STATEMENT OF HON...foreign govern ment officials we felt the United States commitment to providing continued support to Ukraine was mirrored and shared by our al lies...
  9. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  10. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...ongoing fight be tween democracy and autocracy as that battle unfolds around the world not just in Ukraine but everywhere else including on...