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840 results found for Ukraine.
  1. amendment agreed to by voice vote Paul re corded as no Manager s amendment agreed to by voice vote S 814 Ukraine Security Partnership Act of 2021 Held over S 413 A bill to establish the China Censorship Monitor...received a re quest to hold over S 413 the China Censorship Act and I will be holding over S 814 the Ukraine Security and Partnership Act...
  2. posi tion for the United States government As Russia continues its unprecedented aggression against Ukraine and other democratic neighbors and Iranian threats in the Middle East grow the position of Ambassador...very succinct statement saying that if Russia were to invade or otherwise violate the integ rity of Ukraine that there will be...
  3. U S GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE WASHINGTON 48 350 PDF 2022 S HRG 117 344 RUSSIA S INVASION OF UKRAINE ASSESSING THE U S AND INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED...Nuland to Questions Submitted by Senator Todd Young 58 Letter From Ruslan Stefanchuk Parliament of Ukraine Dated March 8 2022 62 III VerDate...
  4. occupation of Crimea The information follows CRIMEA DECLARATION Russia through its 2014 invasion of Ukraine and its attempted annexation of Crimea sought to undermine a bedrock international principle shared...States rejects Russia s attempted annex ation of Crimea and pledges to maintain this policy until Ukraine s territorial integrity is...
  5. office at a critical point in world history Just this week we have seen the horrific images from Ukraine We have seen a country turned into a crime scene where there is irrefutable evidence of impose unprecedented costs on Russia for its unjustified and unprovoked war of aggression on Ukraine Last month each of the four coun tries we...
  6. schedule changes here There are bill signings taking place We have of course the issues in regards to Ukraine We will have President Zelensky before a virtual joint meeting of the members of Congress tomorrow...the region and around the world including the Russian in vasion condemning the Russian invasion in Ukraine I think we have a unique...
  7. administration We all know its ugliness its incompetence and its lawlessness Charlottesville Khashoggi the Ukraine scandal more recently Lafayette Square Portland Oregon and reportedly a Trump green light for Uighur...acted on that treaty President Putin began his campaign to seize Crimea to invade and desta bilize Ukraine And then we saw a string...
  8. not simply lofty policy goals in and of them selves One year later Vladimir Putin s invasion of Ukraine is showing the world exactly what is at stake At this moment a democracy forged from the hard fought...will ing to do to protect their power and wealth and to eliminate democ racy Today it is Russia and Ukraine Tomorrow it will be other nations...
  9. EBRD support plays a crucial role in the southern and east ern Mediterranean region as well as in Ukraine Mongolia and Central Asia In fact the EBRD is one of the few instruments the U S has to engage in...process The EBRD has been a critical partner in times of democratic change and even upheaval in Ukraine Mongolia and Central Asia In fact the...
  10. world To date we take on many international priorities including issues concerning China Russia the Ukraine Iran Venezuela counterterrorism and the Arctic Canada is also one of our closest intelligence Together we tackle many international priorities including issues con cerning China Russia Ukraine Iran Venezuela counterterrorism...