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840 results found for Ukraine.
  1. foreign govern ment officials we felt the United States commitment to providing continued support to Ukraine was mirrored and shared by our al lies And furthermore that our allies very much appreciated the...bipartisan support for Ukraine And I am really grateful for your partnership and for the leadership that you have shown in helping to lead the...
  2. majority of Europe and indeed of the entire free world are now more united in support of not just Ukraine but of our collective resolve to support democ racies the rule of law and defend against brazen NATO led operations in the Balkans Afghanistan and Iraq Since Russia s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine they have strengthened...
  3. ongoing fight be tween democracy and autocracy as that battle unfolds around the world not just in Ukraine but everywhere else including on the African continent I am deeply concerned about the democratic...number of discussions including last week in a full committee hearing about the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security around the globe...
  4. Congo Syria Burma Iraq and Somalia in FY2018 the top five were Democratic Republic of Congo Burma Ukraine Bhutan and Eritrea 505 With measures meant to prevent refugee admissions from Muslim majority countries...
  5. and public health systems and the global food security crisis brought on by Putin s invasion of Ukraine and you have a region in crisis Each factor exacerbates the other fragility begetting fra gility...the Sahel prompting increased competition and opening fissures be tween communities Putin s war on Ukraine is harming food security and economic...
  6. gas are needed to power the con tinent and support economic development With Russia s invasion of Ukraine the President is finally wak ing up to the reality that the world will by necessity continue to my longer written statement has centered around combating Russia s brutal aggression against Ukraine and its challenge to the...
  7. there is a real question as to whether Russia will support an extension particularly as the war in Ukraine has ush ered in a food crisis that has hit Syria and a number of its neigh bors We need to continue...its in vasion of Ukraine and the steps needed to reduce Russian activities while denying Iran and Hezbollah the ability to fill any vacuum...
  8. votes and support for its positions on issues like Taiwan the Uyghurs and Russia s bru tal war in Ukraine Third while and importantly while China s current military engagement in the region is relatively...votes and support for its positions on issues like Taiwan the Uyghurs and Russia s brutal war in Ukraine Not to mention a host of others that go...
  9. charges 6 7 The provision of significant goods serv 7 ices or technology to support the invasion of 8 Ukraine by the Russian Federation that began on 9 February 24 2022 10 b MODIFICATION OF TARGETED SANCTIONS...
  10. additional re 19 sources for support by Iran for the Russian Federa 20 tion in its unprovoked war in Ukraine contrary to 21 United States policy 22 5 lack of sanctions and sanctions enforcement 23 directly...