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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. Foreign Relations Committee Combatting Authoritarianism U S Tools and Responses March 15 2022 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch distinguished Members of the Committee thank you for the opportunity to testify...testify today With Russia s premeditated unprovoked and unjustified war of choice against Ukraine generating Europe s worst...
  2. Robert Menendez chairman of the committee pre siding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Kaine Van Hollen Risch Young and Cruz OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR...ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE POPULATION REFUGEES AND MIGRATION Ambassador NOYES Thank you Chairman Menendez and Rank ing Member Risch It is...
  3. of millions of people was already extremely fragile even before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine Today we write to express our alarm over a historic number of people facing hunger and starvation...access Somalia has withstood many climate related crises but the compounded impacts of COVID and the Ukraine conflict has pushed 300 000 people to...
  4. Military Financing FMF security assistance to Taiwan Ukraine and U S partners supporting Ukraine in the next supplemental funding package As the war in Ukraine has demonstrated it is imperative that the United...aforementioned strategic imperative for the United States to provide security assistance to Taiwan and Ukraine we as the chairs and...
  5. Russian energy resources and for other purposes IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllll Mr MENENDEZ for himself and Mr RISCH introduced the following bill which was read twice and referred to the...2 ergy Security Crisis in Ukraine and Europe RESCUE 3 Act of 2023 4 SEC 2 SENSE OF CONGRESS ON ENERGY RESOURCE IM 5 PLICATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN...
  6. Republic of Germany Submitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee December 14 2021 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and Members of the Committee thank you for the opportunity to appear before...essential to deterring Russian plans to take further and more significant aggressive moves against Ukraine and to addressing the challenges to...
  7. Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch Members of the Committee thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss our shared concern about the build up of Russian forces on Ukraine s borders...Russia has stepped up planning for potential further military action in Ukraine positioning close to 100 thousand troops around Ukraine s...
  8. committee met pursuant to notice at 10 20 a m in Room SD G50 Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee pre siding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Kaine Schatz Van Hollen Risch...Senators Klobuchar Casey Toomey Padilla Fein gold Heinrich and Lujan OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW...
  9. reliable and active partner in the ASEAN region IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllll Mr MENENDEZ for himself Mr RISCH Mr MARKEY and Mr ROMNEY submitted the following resolution which was referred...and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its inter 8 nationally recognized borders and call for an imme 9 diate ceasefire and the withdrawal...
  10. Building Hon Bob Menendez chairman of the committee presiding Present Senators Menendez presiding Shaheen Coons Book er Van Hollen Risch Johnson and Young OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR...movement on critical issues including those related to Russia Turkey Belarus and our support for Ukraine among others I look forward to...