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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...propaganda that aims to justify or deflect blame from their ongoing unprovoked vio lence against Ukraine They continue to broadcast this...
  2. meeting of START s Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission JCIC together with representatives from Ukraine Belarus and Kazakhstan which were Parties to the START Treaty as successor states to the Soviet Union...Senators Isakson Risch DeMint Barrasso Wicker and Inhofe Nays Senators Kerry Dodd Feingold Boxer Menendez Cardin Casey Webb Shaheen...
  3. RELATIONS COMMITTEE What Comes Next for U S Policy Towards Russia May 16 2023 I Introduction Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and distinguished Members of the Foreign Relations Committee thank you for...period of intense and what is likely to be prolonged confrontation with Russia with the war for Ukraine at the center of that confrontation...
  4. Ambassador to the Russian Federation U S Senate Committee on Foreign Relations May 16 2023 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch distinguished members of the committee I am honored to appear before you to...considerable evidence of Russia s plans for Ukraine Until then the painful and bloody history of Russia s intervention in and seizure of...
  5. Foreign Relations Committee hearing U S Support of Democracy and Human Rights March 28 2023 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch distinguished members of the committee thank you for the opportunity to speak...regional security and global interests I will provide brief remarks while I would like to ask Chairman Menendez to accept my full testimony...
  6. Testimony by Damon Wilson President and CEO National Endowment for Democracy Good morning Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and Members of the Committee Thank you for the opportunity to discuss our nation...reflected in our largest programs China Russia Afghanistan Burma Cuba Belarus North Korea Venezuela Ukraine Pakistan and Sudan as well as...
  7. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  8. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...time and a year after Russia s full scale invasion of Ukraine has frankly shifted the geopolitical landscape in Central Asia Russia s...
  9. people from Afghanistan in addition to their most recent efforts to ease the horrific situation in Ukraine If confirmed I look forward to working with Kuwaiti leadership to do even more given Kuwait s and engagement is also a key element of our partnership I would also like to thank Chairman Menendez for his recent visit and if...
  10. JOHN BARRASSO Wyoming ROB PORTMAN Ohio RAND PAUL Kentucky TODD YOUNG Indiana TED CRUZ Texas ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS Delaware...committee presiding Present Senators Risch presiding Johnson Gardner Romney Barrasso Paul Young Cruz Menendez Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Kaine...