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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  2. DESKTOP 48117 TXT JUSTINF O R E I M B P 1 9 w ith D IS T IL LE R COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Responses of Mr Donald Lu to Questions Submitted by Senator Robert Menendez 26 Responses of Mr Donald Lu...
  3. BALKANS 47757 TXTF O R E I M B P 1 9 w ith D IS T IL LE R COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Responses of Mr Gabriel Escobar to Questions Submitted by Senator Robert Menendez 25 Letters From the Embassies of Albania...
  4. longest border with Russia So as Vladimir Putin continues the barbaric unjust illegal invasion of Ukraine Doug will work tirelessly with the mission there in Fin land to strengthen the U S commitment Finland is taking some steps that are quite unusual for them delivery of weaponry to support Ukraine s defense consider ation of accession to...
  5. BALKANS 47757 TXTF O R E I M B P 1 9 w ith D IS T IL LE R COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Responses of Mr Gabriel Escobar to Questions Submitted by Senator Robert Menendez 25 Letters From the Embassies of Albania...
  6. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  7. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...our resources on those things that we think will be most effective In the last Congress Chairman Menendez and I actually passed legislation...
  8. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A As the Biden administration is proud to point out its defense of democracy in places such as Ukraine I cannot help but observe its...
  9. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  10. Corker presiding Risch Rubio Johnson Flake Gardner 3 Young Barrasso Isakson Portman Paul Cardin Menendez Shaheen Coons Udall 4 Kaine Markey and Merkley 5 OPENING STATEMENT OF HON BOB CORKER U S SENATOR...against the United States their attacks against us and the fact 14 that they are still violating Ukraine s sovereignty It seemed like he was...