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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. Secretary Victoria Nuland s Testimony Countering Russian Aggression Ukraine and Beyond Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and distinguished Members of the Committee It...join you for the first hearing of the new Congress It is also appropriate that we are meeting on Ukraine as we approach the one year...
  2. Committee January 26 2023 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch Members of the Committee thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today Russia s war against Ukraine is the worst crisis in European...Instead Russia has launched a war against Ukraine to change international borders and bend policies of vulnerable neighbors to its will...
  3. notice at 10 05 a m in Room S 116 The Capitol Building Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Markey Booker Schatz Van Hollen...Hollen Risch Romney Portman Young and Barrasso OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY The Chairman This...
  4. reminder of repressive Soviet policies against the people of Ukraine and that Vladimir Putin s illegal war against Ukraine has diminished Ukraine s agricultural output and threatens to exacerbate the problems...AMENDMENT intended to be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ Viz Strike the preamble and insert the following Whereas Russia s illegal premeditated...
  5. DAV22M60 S3R III Calendar No ll 117TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION S RES 713 Recognizing Russian actions in Ukraine as a genocide IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JULY 20 2022 Mr RISCH for himself Mr CARDIN Mr BLUMENTHAL...referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations lllllllll legislative day lllllllll lll Reported by Mr MENENDEZ with an amendment and...
  6. to the Committee on Foreign Relations DECEMBER llll legislative day lllllllll 2022 Reported by Mr MENENDEZ with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title Strike out all...Whereas on November 3 2022 the Parliament of Bulgaria ap proved the dispatch of military aid to Ukraine and grant ed the interim government 1...
  7. be printed Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed AMENDMENT intended to be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ to the amendment No ll proposed by Mr CARDIN Viz Strike the matter proposed to be inserted and insert...flank Whereas on November 3 2022 the Parliament of Bulgaria approved the dispatch of military aid to Ukraine and granted the interim...
  8. reminder of repressive Soviet policies against the people of Ukraine and that Vladimir Putin s illegal war against Ukraine has diminished Ukraine s agricultural output and threatens to exacerbate the be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ Viz Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following That the Senate 1 condemns Vladimir Putin...
  9. State for European Affairs Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee November 16 2022 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and distinguished Members of the Committee Thank you for inviting me here to...greater economic development This is even more important now given Russia s unprovoked brutal war in Ukraine More broadly supporting peace...
  10. Committee on Foreign Relations Assessing U S Policy Towards Venezuela September 15 2022 Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch distinguished members of the Committee thank you for the opportunity to testify...million Venezuelans have fled their homes in the last five years approaching similar exodus from Ukraine and Syria The UN Human Rights...