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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. pursuant to notice at 2 22 p m in Room S 116 The Capitol 1 Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez presiding Boxer Cardin Shaheen Coons 3 Durbin Udall Murphy Kaine...Kaine Markey Corker Rubio Johnson and Barrasso 4 OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY THE CHAIRMAN This...
  2. pursuant to notice at 2 09 p m in Room S 116 Capitol 1 Building Hon Bob Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Durbin Udall 3 Murphy Kaine Markey...Markey Corker Rubio Flake McCain and Barrasso 4 OPENING STATEMENT OF HON BOB MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY THE CHAIRMAN This...
  3. their heroic efforts to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing President Putin s illegal war against Ukraine Referred to the Committee on llllllllll and ordered to be printed Ordered to lie on the table and...and to be printed AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE intended to be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ Viz Strike all after the resolving clause and...
  4. for an address to a joint meeting of Congress IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MAY 17 2022 Mr MENENDEZ for himself and Mr RISCH submitted the following concur rent resolution which was referred to the...metropolitan area of Mariupol Ukraine where forces of the Russian Federation have committed uncon scionable war crimes against the local...
  5. cation of accession protocols IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MAY 19 2022 Mr RISCH for himself Mr MENENDEZ Mr SCHUMER Mr MCCONNELL Mrs SHAHEEN Mr JOHNSON Mr CARDIN and Mr COONS submitted the following resolution...their values and condemning the Russian gov ernment s authoritarian acts Whereas the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on...
  6. 11 2022 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllll Mr RUBIO for himself Mr DURBIN Mr RISCH Mr MENENDEZ Mr WICKER Mr CARDIN Mr JOHNSON and Mrs SHAHEEN submitted the following resolution which was referred...unjustified and illegal invasion into Ukraine in contravention of the obligations freely under taken by the Russian Federation to respect the...
  7. support Ukrainian refugees fleeing President Putin s illegal war against Ukraine IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MAY 17 2022 Mr MENENDEZ for himself Mr RISCH Mrs SHAHEEN and Mr JOHNSON submitted the following...their heroic efforts to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing President Putin s illegal war against Ukraine Whereas on February 18 2022 the...
  8. how they will advance American leadership and interests in these coun tries Russia s invasion of Ukraine and our collective response have damaged its economy and demonstrated to its neighbors that it cannot...If confirmed I will emphasize the importance of holding Russia to account for its aggression in Ukraine including the enforcement of...
  9. be printed Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed AMENDMENT intended to be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ for himself and Mr RISCH Viz Strike the preamble and insert the following 1 Whereas pursuant to...Ministry of Defense proxy force and states that Wagner s activities in other countries including Ukraine Syria Sudan and Libya 3 DAV22B71 NRH S L...
  10. Nominations Hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee June 7 2022 Thank you Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch and members of the Committee I am honored that President Biden nominated me...billion in emergency financing and more recently it approved 1 4 billion in rapid financing to support Ukraine Its engagement often provides a...