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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. 10 03 a m in Room SD 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Kaine Booker Van Hollen Risch Johnson...Johnson Romney and Young Also Present Senator Graham OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY The CHAIRMAN This...
  2. that achieved one of the most significant global security steps of our era Belarus Kazakhstan and Ukraine getting rid of all of their nuclear weapons and joining the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty So Laura...RESPONSES TO ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD SUBMITTED TO HON LAURA S H HOLGATE BY SENATOR ROBERT MENENDEZ Question Serious concerns have...
  3. 216 Hart Senate Office Building Hon Jeanne Shaheen pre siding Present Senators Shaheen presiding Menendez Cardin Mur phy Kaine Markey Van Hollen Johnson Romney and Young OPENING STATEMENT OF HON JEANNE...I am delighted that we are joined by the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Menendez and I am going to turn it over to him to...
  4. 10 01 a m in Room SD G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Kaine Markey Merkley Van Hollen...Rounds and Hagerty Also Present Senators Durbin and Hickenlooper OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY The...
  5. BE AN ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR OF THE UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Chairman Menendez Ranking Member Risch members of the Committee it is an honor to appear before you today as President...influence across the region has expanded and intensified in recent years and with Russia s invasion of Ukraine we are facing a grave and...
  6. pursuant to notice at 2 20 p m in Room S 116 The Capitol 1 Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez Boxer Cardin Shaheen Coons Udall Murphy 3 Kaine Markey Corker Rubio...made about Venezuela 9 I just really want to underscore the seriousness of what is happening in Ukraine 10 I know you and the ranking...
  7. pursuant to notice at 2 20 p m in Room S 116 The Capitol 1 Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez Boxer Cardin Shaheen Coons Udall Murphy 3 Kaine Markey Corker Rubio...made about Venezuela 9 I just really want to underscore the seriousness of what is happening in Ukraine 10 I know you and the ranking...
  8. pursuant to notice at 2 20 p m in Room S 116 The Capitol 1 Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez Boxer Cardin Shaheen Coons Udall Murphy 3 Kaine Markey Corker Rubio...made about Venezuela 8 I just really want to underscore the seriousness of what is happening in Ukraine 9 I know you and the ranking...
  9. to notice at 3 06 p m in Room S 116 Capitol 1 Building Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez presiding Boxer Cardin Casey Shaheen Coons 3 Durbin Murphy Kaine...Kaine Corker Johnson and Flake 4 OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY THE CHAIRMAN Thank you all for coming 5 We...
  10. 09 p m in Room SD 419 Dirksen 1 Senate Office Building Hon Robert Menendez chairman of the committee presiding 2 PRESENT Senators Menendez presiding Boxer Cardin Shaheen Coons 3 Durbin Udall Murphy Kaine...Russia and the 7 world that we will support the Ukraine and the sovereignty of the Ukrainian people 8 The Russian invasion and occupation of...