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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. the Department of State and for other purposes IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllll Mr MENENDEZ for himself and Mr RISCH introduced the following bill which was read twice and referred to the...a 3 shall remain in ef 20 fect for facilities in Afghanistan and shall apply to 21 facilities in Ukraine through September 30 2023 22 except that...
  2. Room S 116 The Capitol Hon Robert Menendez presiding Present Senators Menendez presiding Cardin Shaheen Coons Kaine and Risch OPENING STATEMENT OF HON ROBERT MENENDEZ U S SENATOR FROM NEW JERSEY The Chairman...write that we were not willing to pass a resolution recognizing honoring and commending the women of Ukraine or expressing the Senate s...
  3. 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Cory A Booker pre siding Present Senators Booker presiding Menendez Cardin Mur phy Kaine Van Hollen Portman Young and Rounds Also Present Senator King and Representative...changes in power and disinformation is prevalent in Ivoirian social media The unjustifiable war in Ukraine has increased food and fuel...
  4. presiding Present Senators Corker presiding Rubio Johnson Gardner Isakson Barrasso Cardin Boxer Menendez Shaheen Coons Udall Murphy and Kaine OPENING STATEMENT OF HON BOB CORKER U S SENATOR FROM TENNESSEE...Ethi opia I want to thank Senator Cardin for introducing this resolu tion Senators Markey Coons Menendez and Rubio for cospon soring This...
  5. Present Senators Corker presiding Rubio Johnson Flake Gardner Perdue 3 Isakson Barrasso Cardin Boxer Menendez Shaheen Coons Udall Murphy Kaine 4 and Markey 5 OPENING STATEMENT OF HON BOB CORKER U S SENATOR...has worked very hard to cut off the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which is Russia s 8 effort to cut off Ukraine as a transit point for Russian gas 9...
  6. PART I TXT MIKEF O R E I S U R F A C 1 4 w ith D IS T IL LE R COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Submitted for the Record Tuesday May 10 2022 511 Brink Hon Bridget A nominated to be Ambassador to Ukraine 515 Richard Hon Elizabeth H of...
  7. moving further north to Sweden Sweden is a leader in holding Russia accountable for aggression in Ukraine and through out Europe and also a leader in countering Russian disinformation Despite not being a...RESPONSES TO ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD SUBMITTED TO HON THOMAS BARRETT BY SENATOR ROBERT MENENDEZ Anomalous Health Incidents Question...
  8. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  9. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  10. 07 p m by video conference Hon Chris Van Hollen presiding Present Senators Van Hollen presiding Menendez Cardin Shaheen Coons Murphy Kaine Markey Merkley Booker Schatz Risch Rubio Johnson Romney Portman...seriously This hearing is part of that process I will say and the chairman of the full committee Senator Menendez has mentioned this we do have a...