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373 results found for Ukraine Menendez.
  1. SD 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Tim Kaine pre siding Present Senators Kaine presiding Menendez Booker Rubio Portman and Hagerty OPENING STATEMENT OF HON TIM KAINE U S SENATOR FROM VIRGINIA Senator...State Department and Senate offices where she had the fortune to serve in the office of Senator Menendez Ms Fulton was also an active duty...
  2. about this country and the role we play in the world there is a lot of work ahead Sincerely ROBERT MENENDEZ Ranking Member T he C o s t o f T rum p s F o re ig n Pol ic y O c t 2 02 0 3 Executive Summary...abuses It also recounts how in a previously undisclosed phone call President Trump called Senator Menendez to defend Prime Minister Orbán T he C...
  3. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS JOHN F KERRY Massachusetts Chairman BARBARA BOXER California ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland ROBERT P CASEY JR Pennsylvania JIM WEBB Virginia JEANNE SHAHEEN...pend on Russia for over 60 percent of their gas imports EU aspi rants such as Moldova Turkey and Ukraine rely on Russia for over 65...
  4. DESKTOP 48425 TXT JUSTINF O R E I M B P 1 9 w ith D IS T IL LE R COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...held accountable and democratic governments must move faster In that sense Russia s invasion of Ukraine has galvanized action and is forcing...
  5. the table and to be printed AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE intended to be proposed by Mr MENENDEZ Viz Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the fol 1 lowing 2 SECTION 1 SHORT TITLE TABLE...consideration and processing relative to 22 all other letters of request other than from Taiwan and 23 Ukraine 24 204 DAV23F01 4JY S L C b...
  6. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS JOHN F KERRY Massachusetts Chairman BARBARA BOXER California ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland ROBERT P CASEY JR Pennsylvania JIM WEBB Virginia JEANNE SHAHEEN...they did not attend http www bbc co uk news world 11879731 Initially the Philippines Serbia and the Ukraine were also reported as planning...
  7. Committee on Foreign Relations Available via http www govinfo gov COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ROBERT MENENDEZ New Jersey Chairman BENJAMIN L CARDIN Maryland JEANNE SHAHEEN New Hampshire CHRISTOPHER A COONS...Director CHRISTOPHER M SOCHA Republican Staff Director JOHN DUTTON Chief Clerk II C O N T E N T S Page Menendez Hon Robert U S Senator From...
  8. Dirksen Senate Office Building Hon Tammy Duckworth presiding Present Senators Duckworth presiding Menendez Shaheen Kaine Van Hollen and Hagerty OPENING STATEMENT OF HON TAMMY DUCKWORTH U S SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS...role here that you have got in terms of helping the administra tion navigate the Ukraine crisis Russia s invasion of Ukraine spurred the...
  9. s nominee to be the next United States Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia Thank you Chairman Menendez and Senator Padilla for your kind words of support I am thankful to President Biden and Secretary...Second I will work with Croatia to strengthen transatlantic security counter Russia s war against Ukraine and combat malign activities and...
  10. referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations JULY llll legislative day lllllllll 2023 Reported by Mr MENENDEZ with an amendment Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic...States and allies and 13 partners of the United States including with respect 14 to Russia s war on Ukraine which President Biden 15...