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Senators Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Washington, D.C. - Today, Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Christopher Coons (D-DE), and John Boozman (R-AR) introduced a resolution supporting a U.S. contribution to further the work of the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi). 

Gavi is an international alliance between governments and private sector organizations with a mission to ensure children in the world's poorest countries have improved access to vaccines.

"In the nearly 15 years of Gavi's existence, it has ensured the immunization of 440 million children who otherwise would not have been vaccinated, averting an estimated 6 million deaths from preventable illnesses,” Menendez said.  “Childhood immunization is a cost-effective intervention that has been proven to save lives and bolster economic growth. We must do all we can to see that children have access to such lifesaving interventions.  On the eve of Gavi's next replenishment, this resolution demonstrates bipartisan support for Gavi's critical work, setting the stage for a sustained U.S. contribution." 

"Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, ensures that children in the poorest countries have access to life-saving vaccines and immunizations,” Rubio said. “This resolution highlights Gavi's successes in helping children live longer and healthier lives, while reaffirming U.S. support for it." 

The resolution commends Gavi, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, implementing countries, and other actors that have contributed to the global reduction in child mortality through the increased availability of vaccines.  The resolution also expresses the Senate’s support for the ideals and goals of Gavi, while affirming continued U.S. support for the purchase of vaccines for the world’s poorest countries. 

The resolution can be found here.
