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Senator Risch Shares Views on International Development at International Advocacy Lunch

Boise, Idaho -- U.S. Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, spoke on Friday at a foreign affairs lunch at the Idaho History Museum in Boise, Idaho, about the United States’ role as a global leader and the challenges associated with providing foreign assistance to developing nations.

“I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to speak with Idahoans who are passionate about responding to the needs of people both here at home, and across the globe,” said Risch. “Events such as this allow our local community to engage in valuable discussions about the future of U.S. leadership and humanitarian aid, and I thank today’s sponsors for their generosity in hosting this important event.”

For decades, global development and humanitarian assistance have garnered strong bipartisan support in the United States Congress. America’s leadership on these fronts has saved lives, lifted millions out of poverty, promoted stability, spurred economic growth, and brought hope to entire generations.

Since 1990, worldwide mortality rates for children under five have fallen by 56 percent, due in large part to U.S. humanitarian leadership. Over the same period of time, rates of extreme poverty have dropped to their lowest levels in recorded history, directly improving the lives of over one billion people.

As the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Risch has a pivotal role in helping to preserve critical U.S. foreign aid programs.

The event was hosted by Idahoans associated with five internationally focused advocacy organizations: Save the Children Action Network, the ONE Campaign, Oxfam, CARE, and Bread for the World.

risch with history museum group

photo of the presentation
