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Senator Menendez Statement on Reports of the Death of New Jersey Student Aaron Sofer in Israel

WARSAW, POLAND – U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), issued the following statement regarding Aaron Sofer, a yeshiva student from Lakewood, New Jersey who went missing on Friday and whose body was reportedly found dead today:

"With the heartbreaking news of the death of Aaron Sofer, our worst nightmare has come true. There are no adequate words to convey my personal condolences to the Sofer family and to the people of Lakewood for this terrible loss.

"Ever since Aaron went missing, communities throughout the United States, Israel, and beyond gathered in worship on behalf of Aaron. During this period of mourning, I hope the Sofer family can be comforted with the knowledge that countless people, friends and strangers alike, prayed for Aaron's well being and those acts of devotion will only continue. It has become clear to me that everyone who knew Aaron saw tremendous promise in this young man who was committed to his family, his Jewish faith and his community of Lakewood.

"I understand a full, complete, and thorough investigation is underway. Throughout this process, I stand ready to assist in every way possible and Aaron's family will have no greater advocate working on their behalf."
