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Senator Menendez Statement on President Peña Nieto’s Visit

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued this statement regarding Mexican President Peña Nieto’s visit to Washington, D.C. 

“President Peña Nieto's visit brings with it an opportunity to advance the United States’ and Mexico’s shared pursuit of prosperity and economic opportunities for all our citizens.  With over thirty-three million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans living in the U.S. and regular migration between both countries, the well-being and security of our nations are inextricably tied. While we applaud the focus on economic growth at today's White House summit, we cannot overlook the challenges of violence and corruption that have rocked Mexico in recent years. 

“Without security and the rule of law, prospects for economic growth and competitiveness will always be constrained.  The tragedy of the missing students in Iguala, the discovery of clandestine mass graves, and extra-judicial killing by security forces discourage the investment that a dynamic, modern Mexico deserves.    

"President Obama and President Peña Nieto must take advantage of today's meeting to renew commitments to strengthening the rule of law and building safe, secure communities for our citizens.  Moving forward, our joint strategy must prioritize the need for a professional police force and an impartial justice system capable of upholding civil and human rights.”
