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Senate Passes Resolution Calling for Free and Fair Elections in Albania

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Leading into the final week before Albania's parliamentary elections, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) and Ranking Member Dick Lugar (R-IN), along with Senators Benjamin Cardin (D-MD), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ted Kaufman (D-DE), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), issued the following joint statement announcing the Senate's passage of a resolution recognizing Albania's democratic achievements:

"America's vested interest in Albania did not end with their acceptance to NATO," said the senators in a joint statement. "Now more than ever, we must be committed to seeing an Albanian election that is credible in the eyes of that nation's people as well as its European partners. As allies, we are deeply invested in the country's successes. In the final days before Albanians head to the polls in their country, we hope all parties involved work together to hold a fair and legitimate election process."

A summary of the resolution is below:

S. Res. 182: A resolution recognizing the democratic accomplishments of the people of Albania and expressing the hope that the parliamentary elections on June 28, 2009 maintain and improve the transparency and fairness of democracy in Albania.

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