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Risch: UNGA Has Once Again Proved the Need for UN Reform

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on the need for reform at the United Nations (UN):

“This year’s UN General Assembly (UNGA) is not based in reality. In addition to excluding democratic Taiwan’s participation, this year’s UNGA has been used as a platform for the murderous Iranian regime to share its anti-American and anti-democratic ideas, to attempt to shame Israel – the only democracy and our strongest ally in the Middle East, and to focus on climate change when the world is plagued by grave dangers and threats of many varieties. Further, the UN continues to support UNRWA with its anti-Semitic propaganda and terrorist ties.

“President Biden failed to address the true threats to international security, such as China and Iran, and instead wasted time flattering Brazil’s Lula, who is cozying up to America’s enemies, and focusing on a global socialist labor initiative. UNGA will not deliver outcomes for the American people – it just wastes time and money.

“True reform at the UN is the only path forward for this dying organization. UNGA detracts from all of the commendable work that UN funds and programs do to assist the world’s most vulnerable.”
