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Risch Statement on Progress of Sweden’s Accession to NATO

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on Turkey’s commitment to advance Sweden’s accession to NATO:

“I am pleased to hear that Turkey will be moving forward shortly to ratify Sweden’s accession to NATO. I hope Hungary will move soon as well. This is long-overdue, as the United States and other NATO allies took this step nearly a year ago. NATO is more important now than ever before as autocrats around the world continue to push boundaries, literally and metaphorically.

“In specific, Vladimir Putin fears the values of liberty and justice that NATO was created to defend. By launching his unjust war on Ukraine, he has pushed the alliance to grow stronger – including two new members that contribute to its military and economic might. However, a stronger and larger NATO does not just deter Putin. Xi Jinping is watching closely to see how the alliance responds to Russia’s efforts to invade Ukraine, hoping that he can eventually take Taiwan. NATO cannot and will not give one inch of our territory, and will stand strong with our allies and those who seek their own free and sovereign path.

“Above all, I look forward to welcoming Sweden into the NATO alliance and what it will bring to the greatest political-military alliance in world history.”
