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Risch Statement on Iran's Pullback from Nuclear Deal

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Risch, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following statement in response to the Iran regime's announcement today that they will halt compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Deal:

"Iran's announcement today is a sign of desperation and a clear signal that maximum pressure is achieving our desired effects," said Risch. "However, as with any international agreement, the regime’s comments on partial compliance are a non-starter – either you’re in or you’re out. Our own withdrawal from the JCPOA late last year has created an opportunity to pursue a solution that addresses the totality of Iran's bad behavior and provide true security to the U.S. and our allies. The Iran deal was flawed because it failed to address other aspects of the Iran regime's destabilizing behavior – to include the pursuit of ballistic missiles and the regime's support to terrorism throughout the Middle East. The regime is now faced with a sharp choice between its current malign activity and behaving as a responsible member of the international community."
