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Risch, Shaheen Introduce Resolution Reaffirming Support of Taiwan

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) yesterday introduced a resolution reaffirming that the “one China policy” of the United States and the similar policies of its partners are not equivalent to the “One China Principle” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“The passage of United Nations General Assembly resolution 2758 in 1971 does not mean the world accepts China’s claimed sovereignty over Taiwan. Moreover, the United States’ ‘one China policy’ is not the same as China’s ‘One China Principle,” said Risch. “Chinese leaders know this, but spread this propaganda to deny Taiwan’s ability to engage with international organizations. This resolution sets the record straight. The United States can and should push back on China’s false narratives at every opportunity.”

"The United States remains committed to Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations and to a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues,” said Shaheen. “I’m proud to help introduce this bipartisan resolution that firmly pushes back on the PRC’s dangerous and disingenuous mischaracterization of UN resolution 2758.”

This resolution:

  • Counters the false narrative perpetuated by the CCP that United Nations General Assembly resolution 2758 represents an international agreement that China has sovereignty over Taiwan.
  • Opposes China’s efforts to prevent Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.

Text of the resolution can be found here.
