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Risch, Shaheen Applaud Committee Passage of Resolution in Support of Lithuania’s Relationship with Taiwan

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), chair of the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, today applauded committee passage of a resolution commending the government of Lithuania for increasing ties with Taiwan and supporting its firm stance against coercion by the Chinese Communist Party.

“Lithuania deserves recognition for its decision to stand with Taiwan despite the backlash it receives from Beijing,” said Risch. “Our resolution sends a signal to all our allies that when you make the moral choice to stand with a fellow democracy and stand up to coercive authoritarian pressure, you can trust your allies will be united with you.”

“The Committee’s bipartisan approval of our resolution sends a powerful message to China that the U.S. will not sit idly by as it seeks to impose its views and use economic manipulation against Lithuania and other democracies throughout Eastern Europe,” said Shaheen. “Now more than ever, the U.S. must take every opportunity to make clear to authoritarian regimes and strongmen around the world that we will not tolerate malign behavior that threatens our world order or the stability of liberal democracies. I’m glad to see my resolution with Senator Risch reaffirming U.S. solidarity with Lithuania as it fortifies relations with Taiwan pass out of committee, and I urge the Senate to quickly follow suit.”

This resolution:

  • Commends Lithuania for strengthening ties with Taiwan;
  • Recognizes the bold actions Lithuania has taken to highlight the malign actions of China; and
  • Encourages nations around the world to support Lithuania and confront Chinese coercion.

Full text of the resolution as introduced can be found here.
