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Risch, Shaheen Announce Additional Participants and Plenary Sessions Ahead of 2023 Halifax International Security Forum

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), a senior member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services, Foreign Relations and Appropriations Committees, are announcing additional members of the congressional delegation to the 15th annual Halifax International Security Forum, which is happening this weekend, as well as new plenary and panel sessions that will focus on the most pressing U.S. national security challenges.

Risch and Shaheen will be joined by U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Mike Rounds (R-SD) and Peter Welch (D-VT) as well as U.S. Representative Jason Crow (D-CO). Risch and Shaheen will lead the first plenary session to open the forum – Make the World Safe Again: Victory in Ukraine – which will be moderated by Janice Stein and focus on sustaining global support for Ukraine. They will be joined by two other panelists: Canadian Minister of National Defense, Bill Blair, and 2022 Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Ukraine, Oleksandra Matviichuk. Additional plenary sessions include:

  • Victory in Ukraine: Example for Israel
  • Victory in Ukraine: Indo-Pacific Possibilities
  • Victory in Ukraine: Feeding the World
  • Victory in Ukraine: Allies’ Access to Innovation
  • Let My People Go: Keeping Faith with Our Hostages and Ourselves

Additional information on the 2023 Halifax International Security Forum can be found here.

“In today’s interconnected world, it is increasingly important to invest in our alliances. The Halifax International Security Forum provides a unique platform for members of the U.S. Senate to engage with leaders and experts from Europe, Asia, and Canada on today’s most pressing international security issues,” said Risch. “I’m proud to co-lead this year’s Senate delegation to the conference with Senator Shaheen and know our discussions and engagements will be useful in shaping our national security policy when we return back to Washington.”

“From Ukraine’s continued bravery in its fight for freedom, to the recent terror attacks on our ally Israel and the PRC’s increasing aggression and economic coercion, there’s no shortage of national security challenges facing our world,” said Shaheen. “The Halifax International Security Forum is an opportunity to engage directly with our allies and partners from around the world to make progress on key issues and shared priorities, and I look forward to this year’s forum getting underway.”

“During a time of escalating international conflict, keeping the lines of communication open with our partners and allies is vital,” said Welch. “The Halifax International Security Forum provides a strategic opportunity to have direct dialogue on key national security issues.  I look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions with this bipartisan delegation to strengthen our global alliances.”

“As the United States faces growing and coordinated threats from our near-peer competitors, such as China and Russia, the annual Halifax International Security Forum continues to be a critically important assembly of our global partners,” said Rounds. “This forum addresses the most pressing national security challenges facing our country and examines opportunities for collaboration in addressing these threats. I am pleased to be joining a bipartisan group of my colleagues in Halifax for this discussion with our allies and partners from all over the world.”

“I’d like to thank Senator Shaheen and Senator Risch for continuing to lead this delegation to Halifax. This forum is an important opportunity to meet with partners across the international community to discuss how we can address global challenges and sustain international support for Ukraine as they continue to defend themselves from Russia’s brutal invasion. I look forward to a productive and engaging weekend.” said Coons.

“America is strongest when Republicans and Democrats are working together to meet our national security needs,” said Crow. “That’s why I’m proud to join this bipartisan delegation led by Senator Shaheen and Senator Risch to discuss urgent national security challenges and our work to address them. I look forward to productive conversations and letting them inform our work in Congress.”

Lawmakers will participate in conversations on U.S. leadership with allies and partners to address the multi-front war on freedom and democracy, along with the global economic, security, and political ramifications from conflicts provoked by authoritarian governments. Risch and Shaheen have led a bipartisan delegation to the Halifax International Security Forum since 2021.
