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Risch on Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress: We Have To Do More

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the U.S. Congress in a joint session this morning:

“President Zelenskyy is a courageous leader, who is truly grateful for what the United States has done to help Ukraine to date. But I agree with him completely – we have to do more. Congress, and more specifically, the Senate, stands with the Ukrainians. Let’s send them airplanes, let’s send them air defense systems, and let’s do it faster. Today’s speech was clearly intended for an audience sitting in the White House, and I hope they were listening. The administration needs to step up and lead. The actions it has taken so far have been positive, but it has had to be shamed into action every step along the way. It is critical the administration stop foot-dragging and do more.”
