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Risch on Turkey’s Ratification of Sweden’s Accession to NATO

BOISE, Idaho - U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on Turkey’s ratification of Sweden’s accession to NATO:

“After months of inaction, I am glad Turkey finally acted to bring Sweden into NATO. It’s unfortunate Sweden had to wait so long for this outcome. This long delay calls into question Turkey’s commitment to the alliance. I hope Turkey will choose to work closely and repair the damage this has created.  

“While I have approved the sale of F-16s to Turkey today, the State Department has not consistently followed the necessary processes to keep Congress fully informed about this and other weapons sales. I signed off on this sale only after I received a commitment from Secretary Blinken that the State Department will return to regular order on notifying arms sales to the appropriate congressional committees. Congress must have time and opportunity to do its due diligence, and I expect a return to regular order moving forward.”

Risch sent a letter to Secretary Blinken today reiterating his desire to for the State Department to return to regular order on notifying Congress about arms sales. A copy of the letter can be found here.
