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Risch on Second Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal Invasion of Ukraine

BOISE, Idaho – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement ahead of the two-year anniversary of Russia’s brutal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine:

“The full-scale attack on Ukraine two years ago is a clear indication that the world is becoming less stable. As the war persists, we have learned the United States and our allies are less equipped to deter these threats than we should be. Gaps in our military supply chains and disparities in burden sharing in our alliances have become all too obvious.

“The United States remains a strong country, capable of handling any challenge that confronts us, but we and our allies must fix these gaps. We have kept the commitment to Ukraine that we made in 1994 when we convinced it to give up its nuclear weapons. But right now, most urgently, we need a plan of action that will bring the war in Ukraine to a decisive end and deny Russia a victory. If we do not, we will only invite more aggressors to challenge the United States and our allies in the years to come.

“The Biden Administration must communicate its goals on Ukraine and present a clear strategy that explains to the American people how to achieve them – a requirement the Senate demanded in recently passed legislation. I will continue working to ensure U.S. assistance efficiently and effectively supports U.S. national security interests.”
