WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statements on his priorities that were included in the FY2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):
“The Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act has played an important part in shaping U.S. policy towards Syria. In the midst of massive change in Syria, I am proud this year’s NDAA extends Caesar sanctions which sends a strong signal that Congress will continue to ensure the Syrian people have a voice.”
Text of the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act extension can be found in section 5123 of the FY2025 NDAA.
Western Hemisphere Partnership Act
“The United States has an enduring interest in a prosperous, democratic, and secure Western Hemisphere. As malign state actors like Russia, China, and Iran seek to expand their footprint in the hemisphere, we must strengthen regional cooperation with our democratic neighbors to achieve these goals. The Western Hemisphere Partnership provision included in this year’s NDAA builds off my previous legislative efforts to enhance our security and commercial relations with democratic countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
Text of the Western Hemisphere Partnership Act can be found in section 5111 through 5119 of the FY2025 NDAA.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Candidate Country Reform Act
“The Millennium Challenge Corporation has completely changed the way the United States and our partners approach foreign aid with its competitive selection process and focus on transparency, accountability, and results. This MCC provision included in this year’s NDAA will help ensure the MCC can continue its mission to reduce poverty through market-based economic growth by enabling it to work with the right partners, in the right places, and at the right times.”
Text of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Candidate Country Reform Act can be found in section 5122 of the FY2025 NDAA.
State Department Authorization
“I am once again proud to have several of my priorities included in this year’s State Department authorization legislation, including the Embassy in a Box Act and the Electronic Medical Records for Foreign Service Personnel Act. As the State Department races to open small embassies to advance our diplomatic interests and counter Chinese influence, it is critical they are properly resourced and staffed. The Embassy in a Box Act requires the State Department to create and implement a faster process for better supporting new diplomatic missions so our diplomats can hit the ground running.”
“For too long, our diplomats have had to carry a paper file of their health records from post to post around the world. The electronic medical records provision included in this year’s NDAA will require the State Department to implement electronic medical records for all Foreign Service personnel.”
Text of the Embassy in a Box Act can be found in section 7210 of the FY2025 NDAA. Text of the Electronic Medical Records for Foreign Service Personnel Act in section 7103 of the FY2025 NDAA.
Additional legislation Senator Risch supported in the FY2025 NDAA includes: