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Risch on Priorities in FY2024 NDAA

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today applauded the inclusion of several of his priorities in the FY 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Inspector General for Ukraine

“As part of our effort to support Ukraine, we must enhance the oversight of our assistance to ensure it gets to where it needs to go and no taxpayer dollars are wasted. I am glad the Senate came together to include my provision with Senator Wicker in this year’s NDAA that will build on the current oversight structure, establish a special inspector general for Ukraine oversight, and provide that office with a clear mandate and enhanced hiring authorities and resources,” said Risch.

The inspector general for Ukraine provision can be found in Section 1250B of the FY2024 NDAA.


“I welcome the inclusion of AUKUS legislation in the NDAA, including the authorization to transfer submarines to Australia and the creation of a fund that allows for investment in the U.S. submarine industrial base,” said Risch. “Accelerating trilateral cooperation on advanced defense technology can deliver advanced capabilities in the near-term and is a necessary first step in preventing China from dominating the Indo-Pacific. I encourage the Biden Administration to move with haste in certifying that both the United Kingdom and Australia have legal and regulatory frameworks comparable to ours so that we can rapidly implement AUKUS.”

The AUKUS provision can be found in Section 1321 of the FY2024 NDAA.

State Department Authorization

“By addressing key management and operations challenges at the State Department, Congress can better execute its critical oversight duties and enhance American diplomacy. I am proud to have several of my priorities included in this year’s State Department authorization legislation, including improving wait times for passport applications for Americans seeking to travel abroad and visas for foreigners hoping to visit and stimulate economic growth in the United States,” said Risch. “The legislation also presses the Department to get Foreign Service Officers to do their jobs in some of the most challenging posts overseas, while promoting family togetherness for those serving. Combined, these efforts will improve the experience of Americans in their engagements with the State Department as well as in their travel overseas.”

The State Department authorization provision can be found in Division F of the FY2024 NDAA.

Additional legislation Senator Risch supported in the FY2023 NDAA includes:

  • A provision that establishes a presidential envoy for the Abraham Accords and Negev Forum, subject to advice and consent of the Senate, to strengthen existing normalization agreements and expand the circle of friends with Israel. (Sec. 6407)
  • A provision that secures additional resources for the families of Americans who have been determined to be wrongfully detained. (Sec. 6409)
