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Risch on Kenya’s Presidential Elections

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on Monday's announcement by Kenya's Supreme Court upholding the August 9th presidential election results:

“I congratulate President-elect William Ruto and look forward to working with his government to continue building on the historically close relationship between the Kenyan and American people, especially in trade, investment, democracy, and mutual security. President-elect Ruto has a crucial role to play in uniting the Kenyan nation, particularly a fractured political class. It is in the interest of Kenyans and Americans alike that the United States work with the Kenyan government, civil society, political actors, and business leaders to support this effort. Kenya's democracy continues to strengthen. Still, work on electoral processes must be continuous and persistent, with the United States ready to support.”
