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Risch on Deadly Attack on U.S. Troops in Jordan

BOISE, Idaho – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on the attack on U.S. service members in Jordan over the weekend: 

“I am devastated to hear three U.S. service members were killed and dozens were wounded in an Iran-backed drone attack in Jordan over the weekend. Vicki and I are praying for their families and communities during this difficult time.

“Weakness is provocative, and the Biden Administration’s weak policies have produced this dangerous situation. The administration must adopt an Iran policy focused on imposing meaningful economic and military costs on the regime, rather than continuing feeble efforts to do the bare minimum and hope the regime changes course. We must permanently freeze funds, enforce oil sanctions, and restore credible deterrence. Americans at home and our troops in the field deserve an Iran policy that protects them and U.S. interests. Inaction only serves to fuel Iran and its proxies further.”
