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Risch on Biden-Xi Meeting

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement following after President Biden met with President Xi:

“The president has yet again undermined U.S. national security interests and significantly narrowed the space for bipartisan cooperation on China. China is not a normal country – it is an aggressor state. Biden is caving to Xi in exchange for a series of meaningless working groups and engagement mechanisms.

“The United States has pursued such engagements before and for far too long and at too great a cost. They constrain America’s policies in the Pacific and undermine our ability to support our allies. In the past, in an effort to appease China, the administration has slowed assistance to Taiwan and sacrificed our allies’ interests in the region.

“Vital U.S. national and economic security interests are at stake, and the Biden Administration’s policy is headed in the wrong direction. Senate Republicans have better answers to these challenges.”
