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Risch, Menendez, Shaheen, Johnson Introduce Senate Resolution Commending Moldova’s Leadership in Supporting Ukrainian Refugees

Bipartisan effort reaffirms congressional support for greater integration of Moldova, Ukraine into European energy architecture

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), ranking member and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today were joined by Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in introducing a Senate resolution commending Moldova for its extraordinary efforts in supporting Ukrainian refugees fleeing Putin’s illegal war against Ukraine and expressing support for Moldova’s sovereignty and ongoing reforms. In addition to encouraging Moldova’s continuation of pro-democracy and good governance reforms, the bipartisan resolution urges Europe to integrate Moldova and Ukraine further into its energy architecture.

With more than 5 million Ukrainians forced to flee their country due to Russia’s invasion, the United Nations estimates almost 440,000 refugees entered Moldova since the conflict began – with more than 100,000 choosing to remain in Moldova. Despite its small size, the Moldovan government has quickly become a global leader in helping Ukrainian refugees since Putin launched his illegal invasion, creating “Green Corridors” to facilitate the crossing of refugees from Ukraine to Romania and other European countries.

“I’m glad to join my colleagues in cosponsoring this resolution recognizing the outsized effort Moldova has made to support the people of Ukraine. Despite the individual challenges Moldova faces from Russia, including economic coercion, malign influence, and unrest in Russia-backed Transnistria, the Moldovan people have risen to the occasion and helped to save hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees,” said Ranking Member Risch. “Moldova deserves commendation for this emergency effort, as well as the support of the United States and our allies for its contribution to security and stability for Ukraine and the transatlantic community at large.”

“As a grandfather, as a son of refugees and above all else as an American, I am honored to lead my colleagues in introducing this bipartisan resolution to commend the people of Moldova for opening their hearts and homes to Ukrainians seeking safe haven after being forced to leave their entire life behind,” said Chairman Menendez. “This incredible generosity not only merits international recognition, but powerfully demonstrates Moldova’s rightful place as part of the transatlantic community. We must continue to support Moldova’s international humanitarian engagement and its great strides over the last year to advance democratic reform and the rule of law.”

“Moldova is punching above its weight in the humanitarian response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, accepting more than 100,000 refugees fleeing the country. I’m proud to join this bipartisan resolution encouraging the U.S. to provide Moldova with additional aid for their inspiring response in ensuring the safe passage of Ukrainian families into Europe,” said Senator Shaheen. “Putin has a delusional agenda to reform a Russian empire, which underscores a need for the U.S. and international community to stand by countries like Moldova and continue supporting ongoing efforts in the region.”

A copy of the resolution can be found here.
