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Risch Meets with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today hosted a working coffee with Director General Rafael Grossi of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to discuss the IAEA’s critical role in nuclear nonproliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.


“I was glad to have Director General Rafael Grossi join the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a working coffee this morning,” said Risch. “This is a critical time for the future of nuclear proliferation. The information that the IAEA provides is essential to our understanding of proliferation risks. This work is especially important now, as Iran walks away from its nonproliferation commitments, and as evidence has emerged of possible undeclared Iranian nuclear sites and activities. I urged Director General Grossi to push hard for full access for his inspectors, and for full answers from Iran. The United States is depending on the IAEA to provide a strong and independent voice to verify Irananian fulfillment of its nonproliferation obligations. I also applaud the IAEA for its work to improve the safety and security of nuclear energy, which will play a major role in any serious effort to address concerns over climate.”
