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Risch Meets with Colombian Delegation

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, yesterday met with Colombian Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva, Justice Minister Néstor Osuna, and Ambassador to the United States Luis Gilberto Murillo.

03-28-23 JER w Colombian Delegation

“Yesterday’s meeting with Foreign Minister Leyva, Justice Minister Osuna, and Ambassador Murillo provided an opportunity for us to discuss the U.S.-Colombia relationship and our shared challenges. I am especially concerned about the security implications related to weak counternarcotic efforts. Illicit drugs, including those originated in Colombia, pose an unprecedented threat to American families. I look forward to working with Colombia to address this threat and develop a stronger security strategy.

“In regards to Venezuela, I remain concerned that Colombia has reestablished diplomatic, security, and economic relations with the Maduro regime. Maduro has inflicted unspeakable violence on the Venezuelan people and should not be treated as a good faith international actor."
