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Risch, McCaul on Political Violence in Peru

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today released the following statement on the ongoing political violence in Peru:

“We strongly condemn the acts of violence and regret the loss of life that have followed President Castillo’s attempted coup in December. We commend the steps taken by the transitional government of President Boluarte to promote peaceful dialogue, such as planning for early elections and inviting international organizations to monitor human rights conditions in Peru. We call on all Peruvians to peacefully express their demands and urge the international community to rally in support of Peruvian sovereignty and democratic institutions. The United States remains committed to our strategic relations with Peru and bilateral initiatives that strengthen democratic institutions and improve the everyday lives of Peruvians.”
