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Risch, McCaul on End of Venezuelan Interim President Guaidó's Term

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-Texas), lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued a statement following the announcement that Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaidó’s term has come to an end:

“The end of the interim government of Venezuela is terrible news for U.S. interests and the future of the people of Venezuela. The policies of the Biden Administration had much to do with this outcome, and we are further concerned the administration appears to be woefully unprepared for the diplomatic, security, and legal consequences.

“Interim President Juan Guaidó courageously tried to build a brighter future for all Venezuelans in the face of unspeakable violence by the Maduro regime and his cronies. In the new Congress, we will continue to support measures that promote a timely return to democratic order in Venezuela, including oversight of U.S. programs in that country.”