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Risch: Hamas Has Committed Atrocities and War Crimes Against Israel

BOISE, Idaho – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on the atrocities and war crimes Hamas has committed against Israel: 

“As we learn more about the devastating events over the weekend, the reality has become clear. Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization since 1997, has committed atrocities and war crimes during its genocidal campaign against innocent Israelis. The crimes committed include the beheading of children, rape, kidnapping, hostage taking, and many more unspeakable violent crimes. Thousands of Israelis have been brutally murdered, in addition to Americans and other foreign nationals. Committing these acts was unjust, brutal, and completely devoid of any humanity.

“Hamas has been clear since its inception that its intent is to destroy the state of Israel, including every Israeli citizen no matter if they wear a uniform or not. This is unacceptable under international law and more importantly human decency. The perpetrators of these crimes must be punished. The United States will stand with Israel and help ensure the perpetrators of these atrocities and war crimes are held accountable.”
