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Risch: Ethiopia’s War Must End, Accountability is Critical

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement marking two years since the start of the war in northern Ethiopia:

“Two years into the war in northern Ethiopia, the government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front have just agreed to a cessation of hostilities, while millions remain cut off from humanitarian assistance and following countless deaths and atrocities. This war has threatened regional stability and directly impacted our national security interests.

“The Biden Administration has yet to make an atrocities determination or hold Ethiopian leaders accountable for the human rights abuses committed. This inaction has contributed to continued atrocities. In the year ahead, the United States must be clear-eyed and undeterred in its resolve to help end the fighting for good and restore unfettered humanitarian access to all those in need. The Biden Administration must also begin filling its glaring deficit on issues of Ethiopian accountability with meaningful action.”
