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Risch, Crapo on Senate Passage of Supplemental Package

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, today released the following statements on Senate passage of the national security supplemental package:

“Our first obligation as Congress is the safety and security of America. The Senate’s passage of a package for our allies is an important component to safeguarding American security at home. In addition to the expanding military capabilities of our enemies, regional instability in the Middle East, Europe, and the Indo-Pacific threatens U.S. economic access and raises prices to U.S. consumers. If America is going to remain strong, we must help our partners defeat authoritarians and terrorists who spread chaos globally and undermine U.S. economic and security interests,” said Risch. “I am particularly grateful the package included my REPO Act. This legislation will repurpose seized Russian sovereign funds to rebuild Ukraine, forcing Russia to pay for its crimes. I was also glad to support a number of provisions to counter Iran’s malign behavior, including my End IT Act. As Iran attempts to expand its attacks against Israel into a broader regional conflict, we must do all we can to starve the regime of resources and reestablish deterrence. Finally, as China continues to present the greatest threat to our national security, the inclusion of aid for Taiwan and our allies in the Pacific is critical. By helping the Taiwanese prepare to defend themselves now, we can avoid much greater costs later.”

“This legislation takes a firm stance against world antagonists as the United States and our allies continue to face external threats from Russia, China and Iran.  While imperfect, this legislation includes much-needed sanctions on our adversaries and protections for Americans,” said Crapo. “This supplemental package includes critically important support for Israel, including prohibiting funding for the antisemitic UN Relief and Works Agency.  Likewise, the package includes legislation to impose sanctions on ports and refineries that receive and process Iranian oil, a bill I co-sponsored.  The bill also includes legislation Senator Risch and I sponsored to empower the executive branch to transfer frozen Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine to help Ukraine succeed and rebuild.  Idahoans will also benefit directly from the life-saving provisions that declare the fentanyl epidemic a national emergency, targeting criminal organizations and drug cartels. These investments, along with support for America’s energy independence through nuclear research and bolstering our military’s readiness and capabilities, protect the security of Idaho and America while promoting the sovereignty of the U.S. and its allies.  Amidst providing additional national security funding, I realize the importance to continue reforms domestically and will continue to work with my colleagues to press for a solid solution that will secure our borders and rein-in federal spending.”


In January, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed Risch’s REPO Act by a vote of 20-1. The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the REPO Act in November 2023 by a vote of 40-2. This legislation provides additional assistance to Ukraine using assets confiscated from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other sovereign assets of the Russian Federation.

In April, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed Risch’s END It Act by voice vote. This legislation requires the creation of a strategy to counter China’s evasion of sanctions imposed by the United States with respect to Iran.
