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Risch: Biden Admin’s Venezuela Parole Program is Half-Baked, Unworkable

BOISE, Idaho – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s new Venezuelan parole program:

“The people of Venezuela have suffered far too long under the brutal repression of Nicolas Maduro and his socialist regime. The Biden Administration is adding salt to that wound by announcing a half-baked, unworkable promise that will only exacerbate ongoing crises, including at our southern border. My border report, released earlier this year, gives concrete actions this administration could take and provides a roadmap for this very issue they are failing to solve. The United States must recommit to a strong campaign of diplomatic and economic pressure that would hasten a transition to a democratic government in Venezuela. I expect the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to hold a hearing on this issue in the near term.”

In June, Risch released a report entitled  Biden’s Border Crisis: Examining Policies that Encourage Illegal Migration ,” to highlight how the Biden Administration is undermining U.S. efforts to reduce illegal migration and jeopardizing U.S. security.
