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Risch: Biden Admin is Undermining Israel’s Ability to Defend Itself

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s decision to hold up certain arms sales to Israel:

“President Biden’s clear threat to Israel, made on network television, made it obvious that he and his administration are more concerned with pacifying anti-Israel, and often anti-Semitic, sentiment among potential voters than with supporting our close partner during a critical time of need.

“The president has admitted he is blocking – at the 11th hour – a contract that was already approved by Congress, paid for by Israel, and manufactured. This sale would actually REDUCE collateral damage in Rafah and elsewhere.

“American allies and partners are watching our government’s behavior closely. Israel is our closest partner in the Middle East, and Iran and Hezbollah delight in seeing what President Biden is doing to publicly shame our ally.

“President Biden has given Hamas the greatest victory it could hope for; he has driven a wedge between the United States and Israel.”
