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Ranking Member Risch Welcomes Foreign Relations Committee Spring 2024 Interns

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently welcomed four new committee interns for the spring term.

“I’m glad to welcome four exceptional interns for the spring term,” said Risch. “As interns on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, they will have the unique opportunity to witness how the Senate strategizes and responds to complex global issues. Today, we are dealing with grave conflicts in both Ukraine and the Middle East that require delicate and thorough attention. In addition, our adversaries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are taking advantage of opportunities to undermine our national security. It is crucial we protect our interests. I am confident these interns will have an invaluable experience.”

The SFRC interns this spring are:                       

Keeley Cross

Boise, Idaho

Keeley will graduate from Boise State University this December. She plans to attend law school with goals of pursuing a career in foreign policy and public service. Her main areas of interest include global women’s issues, international development, and human rights.


Samantha Mendonca DeCosta

Lodi, Calif.

Samantha is a junior at University of California, Berkley and hopes to one day run for public office. Her specific interests include problem sets in the Indo-Pacific, highlighting China and North Korea. She is also interested in political psychology and religious politics. 


Vivian Eleanor Turnbull

San Pedro, Calif.

After receiving her associate degree from Los Angeles Harbor College, Vivian is now a junior at Hillsdale College. She is passionate about veteran affairs and is interested in pursing a career in either speechwriting or constituent services. During her internship, she hopes to focus on U.S. and U.K. relations, as well as foreign assistance and Taiwan regional issues.

Krystal Tan

Rockwall, Texas

Krystal is a student at Baylor University and takes particular interest in issues related to Taiwan, China, and Israel. Krystal hopes to someday pursue a career working in foreign policy, possibly as in international litigator solving global disputes.


Click here to learn more about the SFRC internship program.
