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Ranking Member Risch Welcomes Foreign Relations Committee Fall 2023 Interns

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently welcomed five new committee interns for the fall term.


“I am pleased to welcome five new interns to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,” said Risch. “These interns will have the opportunity to experience firsthand how the Senate navigates global challenges and how the United States must continue to be a leader in addressing them – from conflicts like Russia’s war on Ukraine, to China’s increasing aggression in the Indo-Pacific, and civil unrest in the Middle East.”

The SFRC interns this fall are:                            

Bryce L Ricker

Bristol, Wisc.

Bryce is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science from Baylor University. His areas of interest include international law and foreign relations. Following his studies, Bryce would like to attend law school.

Christopher Mills

West Yarmouth, Mass.

Christopher graduated this past spring from Wake Forest University with a bachelor’s degree in political science and history. He is especially interested in the Russian war on Ukraine and Chinese influence in global politics. Christopher will soon attend Officer Candidacy School to pursue a career in the United States Navy. He has long term goals of attending law school and traveling the world.

Josephine “Luce” Tysor

Houston, Texas

Luce is an international studies major with a minor in French at American University. She is passionate about foreign affairs and international law. Throughout her career, she hopes to gain exposure to foreign policy issues, and eventually plans to attend law school.

Nathan Lee

Eastvale, Calif.

Nathan is a current student at Baylor University studying political science and is on a pre-law track. His long-term goal is to work in the legal field as either an attorney or a judge. His areas of interest specifically revolve around East Asian policy, religious freedom, and international law.

Victoria “Tori” Hartman

Palm Coast, Fla.

Tori is currently pursuing a bachelor of arts in political science and international studies at Flagler College. Her interest areas include foreign relations in Latin America. She hopes that her work will allow her to assist the U.S. government in implementing democratic values and upholding democracy abroad. 

Click here to learn more about the SFRC internship program.
