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Ranking Member Risch Meets with His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released the following statement after meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan:

“I was glad to welcome my friend, His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan, back to our committee today. The U.S.-Jordanian friendship is a long-standing one, rooted in a shared commitment to promote regional stability, address the drivers of conflict, and ensure the enduring defeat of the Islamic State and groups like it.

“With the ongoing conflict in Syria and recent escalation between Israel and Gaza, I’m grateful for Jordan’s continued work to promote security and stability in the region, particularly its willingness to host countless Syrian refugees. I was also glad to reaffirm the United States’ strong commitment to Jordan’s economic recovery and security needs.”
