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Kerry Statement On The Resolution Of The Crisis In Honduras

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) issued the following statement after the former and current Presidents of Honduras signed the “Cartagena Accord” clearing the way for resolution of the two-year crisis in Honduras:

“The Cartagena Accord is the product of tough negotiations encouraged by the Obama administration and facilitated by President Santos of Colombia and President Chávez of Venezuela. President Funes of El Salvador provided valuable leadership, and President Ortega of Nicaragua has also supported the outcome.  It is a real achievement for the administration’s diplomacy and partnership in the region. Former President Zelaya and current President Lobo must do all they can to ensure smooth implementation of the accord. With concerted effort, this accord will pave the way for normalcy to return to Honduras and its relations with its neighbors and the Organization of American States.
