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Kerry, McCain, And Lieberman Urge Swift Implementation Of U.N. Security Council Resolution

Washington, DC – Following passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing a no-fly zone and other action in Libya, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA), along with Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT),  issued the following joint statement:

“We applaud tonight’s action by the UN Security Council authorizing ‘all necessary measures’ to impose a no-fly zone in Libya and protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack. The Administration deserves credit for getting this Resolution passed with such strong support. This was an important step on behalf of the people of Libya, but it will only be as effective as its implementation.  With Qaddafi’s forces moving towards Benghazi, we must immediately work with our friends in the Arab League and in NATO to enforce this resolution and turn the tide before it is too late. We must also build a bipartisan consensus here at home to support the President in taking the swift and decisive measures necessary to stop Qaddafi.”
