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Kerry Lauds Bipartisan Group Of Former Cabinet Members And Senators Who Support The New START Treaty

Washington, D.C. – As the Senate Foreign Relations Committee convenes its ninth and tenth hearings today on the New START Treaty, Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) lauded a statement released by thirty former high-ranking national security leaders in support of the treaty. This statement, issued by the Partnership for a Secure America, includes a bipartisan group of ten former senators, four secretaries of state, four secretaries of defense, and three national security advisors, as well as the chair and vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission.  

“This morning’s meeting between President Obama and President Medvedev is another step that will serve to strengthen ties between our two nations. Ratifying the New START Treaty is vitally important to this strategic partnership and to bolstering the global coalition against nuclear proliferation. Just today, a group of distinguished national security professionals, including former cabinet members and senators, voiced their unequivocal support for the treaty. Their statement reaffirms the stance of experts from across the political spectrum who have testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in recent weeks. These collective voices have drawn the same conclusion: the New START Treaty must be ratified because it makes America safer,” said Kerry. 

Attached please find commentary from current and former administration officials who have testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in support of the New START Treaty.

To view the Partnership for a Secure America statement, visit:

Following is the list of leaders who support the New START Treaty:

Madeleine Albright  Secretary of State 1997-2001
Howard Baker
  US Senator (R-TN) 1967-85
Samuel Berger
  National Security Advisor 1997-2001
Linton Brooks
  Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration, 2002-07
Harold Brown
  Secretary of Defense 1977-81
Frank Carlucci
  Secretary of Defense 1987-89
Warren Christopher
  Secretary of State 1993-97
William Cohen
  Secretary of Defense 1997-2001
John C. Danforth
  US Senator (R-MO) 1977-95
Kenneth M. Duberstein
  White House Chief of Staff 1988-89
Chuck Hagel
  US Senator (R-NE) 1997-2009
Lee Hamilton
  US Congressman (D-IN) 1965-99; Co-Chair, PSA Advisory Board
Gary Hart 
US Senator (D-CO) 1975-87
Rita E. Hauser
  Chair, International Peace Institute
Carla Hills
  US Trade Representative 1989-93
Nancy Kassebaum-Baker
  US Senator (R-KS) 1978-97
Thomas Kean
  Governor (R-NJ) 1982-90; 9/11 Commission Chair
Richard Leone
  President, The Century Foundation
Donald McHenry
  US Ambassador to the UN 1979-81
Sam Nunn
  US Senator (D-GA) 1972-96
William Perry
  Secretary of Defense 1994-97
Thomas Pickering
  Under Secretary of State 1997-2000
Colin L. Powell
  Secretary of State 2001- 05
Warren Rudman
  US Senator (R-NH) 1980-92; Co-Chair, PSA Advisory Board
Alan Simpson
  US Senator (R-WY) 1979-97
George Shultz
  Secretary of State 1982-89
Theodore Sorensen
  White House Special Counsel 1961-63
John Whitehead
  Deputy Secretary of State 1985-88
Timothy E. Wirth
  US Senator (D-CO) 1987-93
Frank Wisner
  Under Secretary of State 1992-93
