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Kerry: Cutting International Affairs Budget Jeopardizes National Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) today cautioned that the $4 billion cut to the international affairs budget, which passed out of the Budget Committee markup for the FY 2011 Senate Budget Resolution this afternoon, puts into jeopardy key foreign policy and national security priorities.

“Our objectives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq and the civilian component of our national security strategy depend on a strong budget and these cuts are an enormous mistake,” said Chairman Kerry. “These funds have saved millions of lives through life-preserving drugs for HIV/AIDS, mosquito nets to prevent malaria, and other proven programs. In this difficult budget climate, we all have to make tough choices, but the international affairs account is a smart, cost-effective investment that should be funded appropriately. Short-changing these programs delivers very little budget relief at enormous cost to our global efforts and America’s leadership in the world.”
