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Kerry Congratulates the Kyrgyz Republic on the First Democratic Transition of Power in Central Asia

Kerry Congratulates the Kyrgyz Republic on the First Democratic Transition of Power in Central Asia

Washington, DC—With Kyrgyzstan set to inaugurate its next President on December 1, 2011, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) issued the following statement in recognition of this historic achievement:

“The people of Kyrgyzstan made history in October when they took to the polls in presidential elections. Tomorrow, they will inaugurate Almazbek Atambayev as the next President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the first peaceful and democratic transition of power in Central Asia. This is an important moment, but elections are only the beginning and the road ahead will not be easy. Much work remains to be done to strengthen governance, fight corruption, and promote reconciliation. The United States stands ready as a friend and partner to assist the people of Kyrgyzstan as they chart a more stable and prosperous future.”
