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Corker: U.S. Freedom of Navigation Exercise in South China Sea an Important Step

Senator Urges Routine U.S. Naval Patrols in International Waters to Challenge China’s Unlawful Territorial Claims

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today said the latest U.S. freedom of navigation exercise in the South China Sea is an “important step” that should be part of routine patrols in nearby international waters to challenge unlawful territorial claims by China.

“Today’s passage of a U.S. Navy destroyer near Fiery Cross Reef is an important step in U.S. efforts to defend freedom of navigation in the South China Sea,” said Corker. “These exercises should be part of routine U.S. patrols to challenge unlawful territorial claims by China or any nation in international waters.”
