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Corker Statement on Trip to Venezuela

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - U.S. Senator Bob Corker R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today made the following statement upon returning from Venezuela where he met with members of the opposition party, the families of political prisoners, business leaders and some government officials during a two day trip.

"Venezuela is a country with great unrealized potential and abundant resources,” said Corker. “However, it is very sad to see that the country's flawed economic policies and political system have put Venezuela on such a destructive path. While its vast oil reserves might paper over some of these problems, until the government and leaders on all sides can find a way to take a far different approach that fully embraces free markets, disciplined monetary policy, respect for human rights and rule of law, fair elections and ridding the country of rampant corruption, Venezuela is heading to some very difficult times that will lead to even more suffering for their people who deserve far better. The months leading up to the December 6 elections will show the world whether Venezuela is willing to take even modest steps toward this end."
